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What is a Credit Limit?

Adithya Siva
January 23, 2024
Design By:
Dhanush R

Credit Limit Definition

In B2B transactions, a credit limit is the cap set by a supplier on the amount of goods or services that a business customer can purchase on credit. Essentially, it's the maximum outstanding invoice balance a supplier allows a customer to have at any time without requiring immediate payment.

How Do Credit Limits Work?

  • Assessment of Creditworthiness: Before setting a credit limit, the supplier evaluates the creditworthiness of the business customer. This process involves analyzing the customer's financial health, credit history, payment history, available credit utilization, and sometimes considering industry-specific risks. Tools, such as a credit report, financial statement, and industry benchmarking, are often used in this assessment.
  • Setting the Credit Limit: Based on this assessment, the supplier sets a credit limit, which is the maximum amount of credit they will extend to that customer. This limit reflects how much the supplier trusts the customer to pay back in the future. Those who have a good credit history will get a higher credit limit and vice versa. A credit limit increase can apply if a customer with a bad credit score pays sooner.
  • Terms of Credit: Along with the credit limit, the supplier also sets terms of credit. These terms include the length of the credit period (e.g., net terms such as NET 30, NET 60 days), the interest rate (if applicable), and penalties for late payment or partial payment. These terms are formalized in a contract or agreement.
  • Invoicing: When the business customer places orders, these are tracked against their credit limit. As long as the outstanding balance (including current purchases and any unpaid invoices) remains below the set limit, the supplier continues to fulfill orders on credit.
  • Monitoring and Adjustment: Both parties typically monitor the outstanding credit. Suppliers use accounts receivable systems to keep track of how much each customer owes and how close they are to their credit limit. If a customer approaches or exceeds their limit, the supplier might hold further deliveries or services until previous invoices are paid with a low credit limit. Alternatively, if a customer consistently pays on time and their financial situation improves, the supplier will provide a higher limit. 
  • Risk Management and Collections: The credit limit is a key tool in managing credit risk. If a customer cannot pay, the supplier's exposure is limited to the set credit limit. In cases of non-payment, the supplier can take steps to collect the owed amount, which can include reminders, negotiation, or legal action, depending on the severity of the situation.

What is Credit Utilization?

Credit utilization refers to the available credit that you are currently using. It's an important factor in determining your credit score.

The credit utilization ratio is a percentage that shows how much of your available credit limit you're using. 

It's calculated by dividing your total outstanding balances on all credit cards and revolving credit lines by the total credit limits on those accounts. 

For example, if you have a total credit limit of $10,000 across all your cards and you currently owe $2,000, your credit utilization ratio is 20%. Keeping this ratio below 30%, is advised, as it shows to lenders that you're a responsible borrower who doesn't rely too heavily on borrowing.

Business Impact of Credit Limit

Credit limit impact in B2B finance is significant and multi-faceted, affecting various aspects of business operations, relationships, and financial health. 

  • Cash Flow Management: Credit limits directly influence a company's cash flow. By setting appropriate credit limits, a supplier can ensure a steady flow of incoming payments, balancing the time between selling a product or service and receiving payment. This helps in maintaining operational liquidity.
  • Risk Management: Credit limits are a crucial tool for managing credit risk. By controlling the maximum amount of credit extended to each customer, a company can mitigate the risk of bad debts. This is important in industries where margins are slim and significant defaults can have a substantial impact.
  • Customer Relationships: The size and terms of credit limits can affect business relationships. A generous credit limit might strengthen the relationship with a customer by demonstrating trust and supporting their business growth. Conversely, overly restrictive credit limits might strain relationships or drive customers to competitors.
  • Sales and Revenue Growth: Credit limits can influence a company's sales. For instance, higher credit limits might encourage larger orders from customers, leading to increased credit sales. However, there's a balance to be struck, as overly generous credit limits can lead to increased exposure to credit risk.
  • Market Competitiveness: In many industries, the ability to offer credit is a competitive advantage. Companies that offer more favorable credit terms (including higher credit limits) might attract more customers. However, this must be balanced against the potential increase in credit risk.
  • Operational Efficiency: Managing credit limits requires administrative resources. Efficiently setting, monitoring, and adjusting credit limits can save time and resources, while poor management can lead to increased costs in terms of time spent on credit assessments, monitoring, and collections.
  • Creditworthiness Perception: A supplier’s approach to setting a total credit limit can reflect their perception of the market and their customers' creditworthiness. A lower credit limit suggests a lack of trust in the market, while high limits could show confidence in customers' financial stability.
  • Financial Stability and Planning: Proper management of credit limits is crucial for financial planning. It helps in cash flow forecasting and making informed decisions about investments, expenses, and growth strategies.
  • Legal and Compliance Implications: Sometimes, how a company sets and manages credit limits can have legal and compliance implications, particularly in industries that are heavily regulated regarding credit practices.

B2B Credit Limit vs. Credit Card Limit

Credit limits in B2B finance and credit card limits, while similar in concept, are applied in different contexts and have distinct nuances.

B2B Credit Limit

  • Context: In B2B finance, the credit limit is the maximum amount of credit a supplier extends to another business for the purchase of goods or services.
  • Purpose: It facilitates trade and commerce between businesses, allowing buyers to purchase on credit terms and pay at a later date, typically 30, 60, or 90 days.
  • Determination: The limit is based on the buyer's creditworthiness, business history, financial stability, and sometimes the specific project or order size. It's often negotiated between the two businesses.
  • Flexibility: B2B credit limits are more flexible and subject to negotiation and change based on ongoing business relationships.
  • Risk Management: These limits are crucial for managing the supplier's risk exposure, as they represent a balance between the potential for increased sales and the risk of non-payment.

Credit Card Limit

  • Context: A credit card limit is the maximum balance that can be carried on a credit card account and it is set by the credit card issuer.
  • Purpose: It's designed for consumer or business spending and is typically used for a wide range of purchases, from everyday expenses to larger purchases.
  • Determination: Credit card limits are set by the credit card issuer based on the cardholder’s personal credit score, income, and credit history.
  • Flexibility: These limits are usually not subject to negotiation by the cardholder, though they can be reviewed and adjusted by the issuer based on creditworthiness and usage history.
  • Personal Credit Management: For the cardholder, managing their credit card limit effectively (e.g., keeping a low credit utilization ratio) is important for maintaining or improving their credit score.

In summary, while both types of credit limits control the maximum amount of credit extended, B2B credit limits are more tailored to specific business relationships and transactions, whereas credit card limits are typically standardized and based on individual consumer creditworthiness.

Credit Limits Best Practices

Implementing best practices in managing credit limits in B2B finance is crucial for maintaining a healthy balance between risk management and business growth. Here are some key best practices:

  • Thorough Credit Assessment: Before setting a good credit limit, conduct a comprehensive assessment of the customer's creditworthiness. Use a credit report, financial statements, industry reputation, and payment history. This assessment should be an ongoing process, with periodic reviews.
  • Build Credit Limits: Set credit limits on a case-by-case basis. Different customers have different levels of risk and financial stability. Tailoring limits to individual customers based on their credit utilization rate helps in managing risk effectively.
  • Clear Credit Terms and Policies: Craft transparent credit policies. This includes terms of payment, interest rates on late payments, and consequences of exceeding their credit account. Make sure these terms are communicated clearly and understood by the customers.
  • Regular Review and Adjustment: Regularly review and adjust the credit line based on changes in the customer's financial status, payment history, and market conditions. This dynamic approach allows for responsive credit risk management.
  • Use of Credit Insurance: Consider using credit insurance to mitigate risk. Credit insurance can protect against non-payment and allow for more generous credit limits, enhancing competitive advantage.
  • Effective Communication with Customers: Maintain open lines of communication with customers regarding their credit status. Promptly notify them if there are any changes to their credit limit or if they are approaching their limit.
  • Leveraging Technology for Monitoring: Use technology and software solutions for real-time monitoring of accounts receivable and credit limit utilization. Automated systems can provide alerts when customers approach their credit limits.
  • Credit Score: Apply credit scoring methodologies to evaluate prospects for credit risk even before default. Credit scores can help prevent issues that are caused while making a large amount of credit sales. A good credit score shows the customer is unlikely to default. A bad credit score shows the customer is more likely to default on their payment.
  • Legal Compliance and Documentation: Ensure that all credit practices comply with relevant laws and regulations. Keep proper documentation of all credit transactions and agreements.
  • Training and Awareness for Staff: Educate and train staff involved in the credit management process. They should understand the importance of credit limits and how to apply the company's policies effectively.
  • Balancing Sales and Credit Risk: Work closely with the sales department to understand their goals and challenges. Sales teams should know the importance of credit management and how it affects overall business health.
  • Contingency Planning for Defaults: Have a contingency plan in place for dealing with defaults. This includes procedures for collections and potential legal action.
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Adithya Siva
Product Marketing Manager
Passionate about everything content. A reasonably able copy editor too. Outside work, you can find me sipping on coffee, watching NBA, gaming, or reading books (not all at the same time).