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What is IASB?

V Sudhakshina
March 18, 2024
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Dhanush R

The IASB Definition

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is an independent, private-sector body that develops and approves International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The IASB operates under the IFRS Foundation.

The IASB Objective and Purpose

The IASB was established in 2001 with the mission to uniform accounting standards and ensure financial statements transparency and quality. Its primary purpose is to foster trust and confidence in the global financial marketplace by developing a single set of globally accepted accounting standards. These standards make financial statements understandable and comparable across international boundaries, aiding investors, companies, and regulators in making well-informed financial decisions. 

The IASB engages with stakeholders worldwide through a comprehensive standard-setting process that involves public consultation and rigorous analysis, ensuring that the IFRS accounting standard meets the needs of a diverse range of economies. the IASB contributes significantly to the global financial system's stability and transparency by promoting the adoption and consistent application of its standards. The key objectives of the IASB are as follows:

Develop Global Accounting Standards

To create and maintain a comprehensive set of global accounting standards and bring consistency to financial reporting, making it easier to compare the financial statements of businesses across different countries.

Promote the Use of IFRS

To encourage the adoption and application of IFRS accounting standards across global jurisdictions. It involves working with national regulatory authorities and market participants to support the transition to and understanding of IFRS.

Ensure Transparency and Accountability

To enhance the quality and transparency of financial reporting, enabling investors and stakeholders to make well-informed decisions based on reliable financial information.

Foster Trust in the Global Financial System

By promoting a single set of high-quality standards, the IASB aims to build trust among investors, which is crucial for a healthy global economy.

Address the Needs of a Wide Range of Stakeholders

To consider the perspectives and needs of a diverse group of stakeholders in the financial reporting process, including investors, analysts, businesses, and regulators, ensuring that IFRSs are relevant and practical.

Ensure Compatibility with National Accounting Standards

To work towards national accounting standards and IFRS convergence, minimizing differences and facilitating a smoother integration of global financial markets.

Application of the IASB in Accounting

The applications of IASB standards in accounting are vast and pivotal for businesses, auditors, and investors operating in the international market. Here are some of the main applications:

  • Financial Statements Preparation: Companies apply IFRS when preparing their financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement, and notes to the accounts. IASB ensures that a company's financial reporting meets global standards for transparency and comparability.
  • Revenue Recognition: IASB standards guide companies on how and when to recognize revenue from contracts with customers, ensuring consistent and transparent income reporting across different jurisdictions and industries.
  • Financial Instruments Reporting: The standards provide detailed guidance on financial instruments reporting, including how to recognize, measure, and disclose financial assets and liabilities. The guidance is crucial for companies operating in complex financial environments.
  • Lease Accounting: IASB standards require companies to recognize leases on their balance sheets, providing a more accurate picture of financial commitments and resources.
  • Consolidation and Group Accounting: The standards set out the principles for the preparation and presentation of consolidated financial statements, ensuring entity control, joint arrangements, and accurate associates reporting.
  • Impairment of Assets: They provide criteria for assessing whether an asset's carrying amount is not be recoverable, requiring timely recognition of impairment losses to prevent overstated assets and equity.
  • Employee Benefits: IASB standards dictate how companies should account for various employee benefits, including pensions, which ensures that liabilities and expenses related to employee benefits are accurately recognized and measured.
  • Foreign Currency Transactions: The standards outline transactions recording and reporting in foreign currencies. It also outlines financial statements translation into a presentation currency, facilitating cross-border financial analysis and understanding.
  • Income Tax: Guidance on accounting for income taxes ensures that companies appropriately recognize the current and future tax implications of their transactions, leading to an accurate net income and tax liabilities reporting.

Structure of IASB

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is a structured organization designed to facilitate the creation and dissemination of global accounting standards. This structure ensures that the process of setting standards is efficient and inclusive of various global stakeholders' perspectives. Here’s a breakdown of the IASB's structure:

The Board

At the core of the IASB is the board itself. The board members are highly skilled professionals from diverse geographical and professional backgrounds. These members are responsible for developing and approving the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), engaging in discussions, and making decisions on the standards' content and implementation.

The IFRS Foundation

IFRS is the parent entity of the IASB, providing the governance and oversight necessary to ensure that the IASB functions effectively and independently. The Foundation appoints the IASB members and oversees the organization's funding and strategic direction.

The IFRS Advisory Council

This group advises the IASB on strategic and technical matters. It comprises representatives from different backgrounds, including regulators, financial analysts, business leaders, and academic experts, ensuring that the IASB considers a broad spectrum of viewpoints.

The IFRS Interpretations Committee

This committee works alongside the IASB to review ongoing issues arising from the IFRS application. They guide on complex or unclear matters, ensuring the standards are applied consistently worldwide.

The Due Process Oversight Committee (DPOC)

Part of the IFRS Foundation, the DPOC monitors the standard-setting process to ensure it is thorough, transparent, and involves adequate consultation with stakeholders. This process includes multiple stages of public comment and review.

Working Group and Project Team

For specific projects or new standards, the IASB can establish a working group or project team comprising experts in the field. These groups provide specialized knowledge and advice, aiding the IASB in developing high-quality standards.


Is IASB Applicable in the United States?

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) develops International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which are not mandatorily applicable in the United States. Instead, the U.S. uses its own set of accounting standards known as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which are established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). However, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which oversees the accounting standards for public companies in the U.S., has expressed support for the convergence of U.S. GAAP and IFRS to bring about more uniformity in financial reporting standards globally. Some U.S. companies voluntarily use IFRS for specific purposes, such as reporting to foreign investors or for subsidiaries in countries where IFRS is required. But, the primary accounting framework for U.S. companies remains U.S. GAAP.

What are IFRS 9 Financial Instruments?

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments is a standard issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) that outlines the rules for recognizing, measuring, presenting, and disclosing financial instruments within financial statements. It covers a wide range of financial assets and liabilities including loans, debt securities, equity instruments, and derivatives. The standard introduces a new classification and measurement model for financial assets, based on the entity's business model and the asset's cash flow characteristics, a more forward-looking impairment model, and a revised approach to hedge accounting to align it more closely with risk management activities. IFRS 9 aims to improve users' understanding of financial instruments' risks and how they affect an entity's financial position, financial performance, and cash flows.

What is Public Accounting?

Public accounting refers to a field of accounting where firms provide services to various clients, including audit and assurance, tax advice and planning, consulting, and financial advisory services. Public accountants hold certifications, such as Certified Public Accountants (CPA), and they work with individual clients, corporations, governments, and non-profit organizations. Their role is crucial in ensuring the accuracy of financial statements, compliance with tax laws, and providing strategic financial guidance to support clients' financial and operational goals.

What are IASB Amendments?

IASB amendments are changes or updates made to existing International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). These amendments are part of the IASB's ongoing effort to respond to changing financial reporting needs, address practical application issues, and ensure the standards reflect the latest economic conditions and financial practices. By regularly updating the standards, the IASB aims to improve the clarity, consistency, and relevance of financial reporting globally, helping stakeholders make better-informed decisions.

What are the IASB Membership Benefits?

Being a board member of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) offers several membership benefits. Members play a pivotal role in developing global financial reporting standards, contributing to the transparency, accountability, and efficiency of financial markets worldwide. They gain unique insights into international financial reporting trends and practices and have the opportunity to network with other professionals and influence the direction of accounting standards globally. This involvement not only enhances personal and professional development but also contributes to the member's standing and recognition in the global financial community.

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V Sudhakshina
Senior Content Marketer
Journalist turned content marketer, I love to explore and write about groundbreaking B2B tech. Off the clock, you can catch me enjoying retro tunes or immersing in the pages of timeless classics.